NET POWER SHOT #4 + #5: Wi-Fi 6E and outlook on Wi-Fi 7/8

In this NET POWER SHOT #4 video, Fabian Beck shares his experiences regarding the introduction of Wi-Fi 6E at onway. He will discuss the differences between Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E and explain the resulting challenges and necessary adjustments. He will report on the possibilities of introducing Wi-Fi 6E in the enterprise environment and explain what needs special attention. The know-how regarding the changeover in one’s own company will be passed on by means of information on the hardware and software infrastructure used, the configuration of RF/SSIDs and the experiences in the infrastructure and client area. Use cases in the enterprise sector with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) devices and guest access round off the presentation.

> to the video (16:03 min. The video is spoken in German. Subtitles in the desired language can be added via youtube.)

Basile Bluntschli gives an outlook on Wi-Fi 7 and 8 in NET POWER SHOT #5: The Wi-Fi numbering scheme has changed to a user-friendly number. Since then, the numbers seem to explode and new ones are added all the time. Where are we now? What’s the deal with all these numbers? Let’s discuss what news to expect soon and how we can work towards a highly available access network solution. Real-time and redundancy are hitherto missing possibilities in WLAN, these are in sight and enable us to create completely new use cases – today and in the future!

> to the video (10:06 min. The video is spoken in German. Subtitles in the desired language can be added via youtube.)

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